
Breaking Habits

How to break habits

1) What new habits to you wish to create

a) How do wish to feel, what should your new life look like, what sounds will you hear?

b) What habits need to go before this can happen?

c) What habits do you need to form for 2015 for you new life to become manifest?

d) Are these goals attainable and within the realm of possibility. What's your gut feeling? Trust your intuition.

2) What specific goals are you aiming for?

a) Which habits are you releasing? Write them down. and tell as many people as possible. Check back with them regularly on how you are progressing.

b) What habits are you replacing them with?

3) Create the desire for this to take place by:

a) Visualizing what your life will look like. Draw pictures, cut them out of magazines or download them. Make a vision board. Look at it regularly.

b) What new sounds will you hear? Find some music that reflects the new you.

c) What will it feel like? For example what will you be able to do having lost that weight or worked out at the gym every day.

4) Develop a plan for what you wish to do and by what date.

For example if you wish to lose weight how much do you wish to lose and over what time period? Break it down into sizable chunks that seem realistic and obtainable to you.

5) Plan which goals need to happen and in what order.

For example if you plan to climb a high mountain it would make sense to climb some smaller ones. By gradually increasing the height of the mountains climbed you will get nearer to the goal.

6) Regularly review your goals.

It helps to tell as many people as possible. Check back with them regularly on how you are progressing. 



My friend posing by a canal boat

My friend posing by a canal boat

I went for a walk by the canal with a friend of mine. We are both walk leaders for a meetup group called "Manchester Hiking." It was a sunny day and a pleasant stroll by the canal allowed us to have time to relax and unwind. Casual conversation with my friend allowed me to feel at ease. The pace of the walk changed with our mood. It started with a slow pace when we strolled through Dunham Park where there was wildlife to see and photograph. The deer are quite tame on the whole and they can come quite close to you. It increased as we moved onto the canal. We had a chance to sit by Lymm Damn and chat while we ate. Sharing problems allows us to feel heard. In Chinese Medicine the Fire element is what allows us to open up to other people and form relationships. We should open up appropriately. We shouldn't share the same personal information with the Postman as we would with a close friend.

Deer in Dunham Park 

Deer in Dunham Park