
In order to get regular healthy restorative sleep it's important to get into a routine. Go to bed at the same time each night. Have no food or drink before bed time except water or some other relaxing bed time drink. Chamomile tea can be calming. Warm milk can help us get to sleep since it contains serotonin precursors. Seratonin is an inhibitory chemical in the Central Nervous System that helps us go to sleep.


In Chinese Medicine the Shen, the spirit of the Heart lives in the Hearts Blood. If we are properly nourished this will be strong and it will be easy for us to fall asleep. If it is weak then we will have difficulty falling asleep. It can be compared to a dog that is restless and wanders around rather than settling in it's basket. We can eat certain foods in order to strengthen the Blood. Meat, in particular red meat, fish and/or green leafy vegetables and pulses are indicated.


If we often wake during the night to urinate then that suggests there is a deficiency in the energy of the Kidney channel. Acupuncture can help to boost this energy but it's also important to rest. If we wake during the night around 1 to 3 am GMT or 2 to 4 am BST and can't get back to sleep it suggests that the energy of the Liver Meridian is too strong. Acupuncture can be used to smooth the flow of energy in the Liver Channel.


There are some acupuncture points that are particularly good for sleep. Yin Tang is particularly good for relaxing the mind as is Anmian (see pictures blow).

A needle in Yintang

A needle in Yintang

Ying Tang

Ying Tang

